qtuser1@debian5pc:~/FEP$ ./daq_run Illegal param??using default DB CRdbWapper:Count of starting 1 Creating all tables Checking table types Table count of RDB:21 Start to load table ????υτ?????[dcdevice] dcdevice[T001_COMM]????????????:? Start to load table ??¨΄????[dcprotocol] dcprotocol[T002_PROT]????????????:? Start to load table ???RTU??????[dcrtu] dcrtu[T004_RTU]????????????:? Start to load table ????????????[dcchan] dcchan[T003_CHAN]????????????:? Start to load table ?????‘€??????[dclink] dclink[V001_LINK]????????????:? Start to load table ????????[dcyc] dcyc[T038_AI]????????????:? Start to load table ???????[dcyx] dcyx[T037_DI]????????????:? Start to load table ??????[dcdd] dcdd[T039_ACC]????????????:? Start to load table ??????????????[dczfyc] dczfyc[T005_ZFAI]????????????:? Start to load table ??????????????[dczfyx] dczfyx[T006_ZFDI]????????????:? Start to load table ???????????????[dczfdd] dczfdd[T007_ZFACC]????????????:? Start to load table ??????????????[dczfdo] dczfdo[T008_ZFDO]????????????:? Start to load table ??????AO?????[dczfao] dczfao[T009_ZFAO]????????????:? Start to load table ???????[dchost] dchost[T020_UNION]????????????:? Start to load table ??????????????[dcycmap] dcycmap[T030_AIMAP]????????????:? Start to load table ?????????????[dcyxmap] dcyxmap[T031_DIMAP]????????????:? Start to load table ????????????????[dccmdmap] dccmdmap[T032_CMDMAP]????????????:? Start to load table ??¨΄???????[dcprtpara] dcprtpara[T033_PROTCFG]????????????:? Start to load table ???DO??[dcdo] dcdo[T034_DO]????????????:? Start to load table ???AO??[dcao] dcao[T035_AO]????????????:? Start to load table ???VT??[dcvt] dcvt[T036_VTPNT]????????????:? ============================RtDBInformation============================ Total number of tables:21 Total number of fields:191 ======================================================================= ---------- DataSeg Infomation --------------------- no 0 : total 1228800 (byte), free 194544 (byte) ,type 0 no 1 : total 614400 (byte), free 144784 (byte) ,type 1 no 2 : total 4480512 (byte), free 0 (byte) ,type 0 no 3 : total 4182144 (byte), free 0 (byte) ,type 1 no 4 : total 15840512 (byte), free 0 (byte) ,type 0 no 5 : total 17248672 (byte), free 0 (byte) ,type 1 no 6 : total 5760512 (byte), free 0 (byte) ,type 0 no 7 : total 2816768 (byte), free 0 (byte) ,type 1 no 8 : total 15840512 (byte), free 0 (byte) ,type 0 no 9 : total 11616672 (byte), free 0 (byte) ,type 1 no 10 : total 614400 (byte), free 49760 (byte) ,type 1 no 11 : total 1228800 (byte), free 948288 (byte) ,type 0 no 12 : total 614400 (byte), free 437632 (byte) ,type 1 ------------------------------------------------- Succeed starting rdb 0 ????????? ??? Mapping rdb: Ok Runing alone InitDev: Getting share ctrl: Fail qtuser1@debian5pc:~/FEP$